Saturday, July 24, 2010

Dear Bloggy,

I am sorry I have abandoned you,

In the time, I have driven around, read some books

keeping a physical journal, well its more like a venting book

Collaging, OH and I have actually made my first dress

all i have to do is finish the edges

I have declared......

this shall be my summer as an Designer& Artist

just the summer, I prefer no boxes,
school is filled with too much chemistry and math and chemical enginerring GAH!

breaktime is called break for a reason.

I am making ME time,

Independance <3

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Measure your life in LOVE

I'm thinking I love driving aimlessly

... I kinda wish I could run over annoying people

& get away with it . . .

. . . Little Kids songs are catchy

But it piss me off how they are like 12

Darn it gave up on job search

. . . kinda like being a bum

kinda hate being broke

need easy money

I'm starting to hate . . .

how people get this look

how they are shocked...

"What are you studying?"

- "Chemical Engineering"
"OH you don't look like a chemical engineer!"
or. . .
"WOW you must be smart"

1. YES i know I am a girl
2. Yea I'm not a white man (Boy)
3. I think your trying to tell me I look stupid

Some Indian banker Chick actually said

"OH you look all abercrombie girl"

I think she called me... shallow?

I don't even wear abercrombie
& over priced
.... wait actually the models aren't wearing clothes!
unless she called me a topless man... WTF

I'm don't consider my self smart...
I'm just good at Math & Science
remembering dorky things & Facts

yea nothing else really

I'm good at learning... not all around smart



Almost ran over some lady..

well backed up over here while pulling out

Then I think she heard me tell bryan

"Well whatever she's ugly anyways"


Confession 2: Thought it was Funny

.. I steal cheetos from annoying little children
Then blatantly didn't give him a icepop
he had 4 already.. plus I wanted to piss him off :)

PS. Currently Playing "Seasons of LOVE" - RENT

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hot Summer Day

Accomplishments of today

1. Go to TD Bank
& get coins into cashh :)

2. Walmart
supplies to make me dresses

3. Bank
opened an second checking account,
entitled "pay my rent money, do not touch"

3. McDonalds,
befriended a two year old & get fatter,
"That's not a big mac, that's like a small mac"
- sister whom I drove around with
Makes me feel a little less fat

4. Use my engineering spacial skills
to pack a dunkin donuts bag with books
Book Sale Wednesdays, Fill a Bag for $3
Buy some books fill up my brain :)

5. Go back to McDonalds
buy a Caramel Frappe
not for me :) for daddy

6. Clean room make it neat & Tidy
well kinda,
lofted my bed
made my own library
scared myself with how many books I own
& Shoes (again)... yet I need more
can never get enough

7. Babysit make dinner for siblings
Fail at dinner, make hot dog sausages cut up and fryed
Fail at finding toaster
Yes I am a realized how ghetto I am
Found my inner hispanic ghetto person
Exhibit A... can't find toaster

8. Organized Needle organizer thing and such
Found Cute scraps
organized buttons
Gonna make something...

9. Made this blog :)
Talk about my day
to the internet
ah good friend
.... I think i should stop hating people less
oops, lets be more social

10. Currently Made a Head band
hmmm creativity working again
me likey :)

and drove aimlessly with my little sister
finding random errands we should do :)
Oh yea, it is just a reciept,
shall guard it with my life!
OH happy day

*regardless of the 102 degree weather,
this is when celcius sounds a whole lot better :)

**[or illusion of cold]