Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Let's Begin My World Travels

Hello Internet Friends,

So I have decided to restart my blog to chronicle my summer of travels abroad. In two days, June 22nd, I will be traveling to Kosovo! It's okay, I didn't know where Kosovo was at first either. It was part of the former Yugoslavia and now one of the youngest countries in Southeast Europe.http://kosovo-young.com/#video

 So I will be Studying Abroad at the American University of Kosovo, a sister school of RIT (my school). I am super excited to go to a new country and experience everything. I'm gonna guess  that I will stick out like a sore thumb being super short,chubs, hispanic and super tan. But, when these moments happen I'm gonna remind myself I'm going to Guatemala in August and will be slightly above average height and blend lol.

So, I leave Friday on Turkish Airlines and have a layover in Istanbul for 13 hours therefore I get a complimentary tour of the City! So excited! Sunday January 24th we will be going to the coast of Montenegro until June 30th. Well hello there Mediterranean !

I should probably start packing and stop listening to "Summer Girls" by LFO. This song literally does not make any sense and is a jumble of random sentences therefore it fits perfectly in this blog post.
Let me know if you have any suggestions/last minute things I need to do before and during my travels
Follow My Summer Travels and adventures, I am sure there will be plenty of awkward moments

Now to kick off the summer.
*Wait why did he steal her bike, and someone tell me what Bugalo Shrimp is and if they ride pogo sticks*

Friday, June 1, 2012

My day in NYC

So today I spent the day in NYC before to say good bye to my Big and My Little

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bieber Fever

I personally am not his biggest fan. He has some catchy tunes, not gonna lie. But I don't see what all the fuss about celebrities is, yes he is adorable and little girls like him, but grown women -isn't that just a tad bit pedophile-ish? Any who, He has been taking over my favorite shows aka Glee and Greek, and Glee did an absolutely fabulous job on his cover. But props to the little man for making it off of Youtube and persevering through all the critisizm and crazy wierd fans.

Speaking of Beiber he has recently cut his hair, Ellen DeGeneres tweeted to him that she wanted a lock of his hair and she got her wish. Ellen not being totally creepy and a wonderful person decided to put the signed box of hair on ebay and donate the money to Charity. I mean what else would a grown woman do with a 16/17 year old boy's hair. The Charity is the Gentle Barn foundation, which "teaches people kidness and compassion to animals, each other, and our planet".

 I mean yea animals are cute, but this organiziation isn't really saving any animals direclty, or curing anything, or helping people. But anyhow crazed little girls daddy's are bidding on this hair and probably some crazy grown women.

I think he's trying to go for the Ellen look
no one can be as awesome as Ellen 
This whole hair thing creeps me out that people would spend so much for a small lock of hair from Justin Beiber who will probably be Justin Who in a couple of years. Humanity dissapoints me greatly.

The moment you've all been waiting for the winning bid:


Yes that much money will go to teaching people about how to love animals and be nice to them. Not how to help animals who need it, or save some endangered animal, or maybe some endangered people dying and whatnot or cancer or on the streets homeless. So in today's horrible economy someone has this amount of money to throw on some hair.

I might just sell a lock of my hair for the Valerie Student Loan Repayment Foundation, Step one make youtube video and get crazy famous. This might take a while but my lock with be worth $40,668! 

Just a note to the buyer of Beiber's Lock : The rest of his hair ended up on the floor of the hair salon and then in the garbage,  yes you paid for hair that would have ended up in the trash, buy you got the lucky surviving locks.

Don't believe me  See for yourself 

Peace out cubscouts :) Enjoy!

Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm back :)

Well, the last time I blogged was back in the summer before all the hectic-ness of sophomore year.Since then I have switched my major, matured I like to think , probably gained a ton of weight thanks to my boyfriend, and been hard at work trying to defeat the second year slump and not doing a very good job at it thanks to RIT's dreaded winter quarter. Well it is now over and I am on SPRING BREAK! Yes RIT's idea of spring break is the first week of March when it's still cold and no one from other schools is back home. Thus I have nothing to do in the burbs but blog.

So Since I haven't done this in a while I thought I would start with a list of  6 random facts about me :)

1. I love to knit and crochet
 I learned off youtube and get some ideas from cutoutandkeep.net, it's really simple and good if you have nothing to do. When I am really bored and don't feel like going out I crawl up in my snuggie and crochet

2. I own a SNUGGIE
Yes, it's hot pink and actually a children's size because my mother is cheap and got in on sale. I want a plush zebra snuggie. Sometimes if my stoned friends need rides in the middle of the night I take them to McDonalds in the Snuggie and get starred at, or possibly cops thing I might be on drugs too uh oh, note to self do not go out in public in snuggie again.

3. I love SOUTH PARK
I will constantly quote south park, and really think everyone should watch it so they could understand me, its all online too! My boyfriend and I bond over this, yes and watched Valentines edition as our romantic valentines day evening. Lesson: go watch some

4. I am a Nerd 
I get dissapointed when I get anything lover than a B, and a little sad that I barely get a B, but unfortunely got no A's this winter wahh :( oh well. Other nerd stuff hmmm, I LOVE chemistry, even though its really hard... I think math problems are fun puzzles but hate word puzzles. I love anthropology and learning about cultures and such, and I LOVE READING, yes books articles anything that captivates my eye :)

5. I love those GLEE kids
 I am a GLEEK, if you insult my GLEE I most likely automatically put in on my list of people who I don't like, unless that is your only flaw maybe I do like you.  I wish I was in a glee club and could sound that good, sometimes I dance around in my room to the glee soundtracks (my favorite being Regionals & Madonna) and sing around and dance being absolutely talented and amazing of course, only when no one is looking, I'm special like that.

6. I actually get called VALERIE 
I have realized this my name is really confusing, I usually write out my full name Joy Valerie LastName  and as a result most people I just meet and up calling me Joy, which is technically correct but ever since I could speak my mommy asked me what I liked to be called, I choose Valerie.

Joy kind of sounds like and old lady name. Also I think the fact that little kids used to mock my name and sing "Joy to the world" and say my name was a word and not a legit name might have something to do with it. Either way, if you call me Joy, I won't respond quickly, and will think your one of my professors as all my school records say Joy.

This one girl on my dorm last year thought I was two different people, legit thought there were two people with my face running around, she was kind of an idiot, no offense ( I realize it is offensive oh well)

And Now for your enterntainment, as I watched Phineus and Ferb with my cute widdle four year old brother
this commercial came on for http://hiphopmagician.com/

I'm sorry I would be scared if my mom got them for my birthday party as a child.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Stall Talk

First off Happy Birthday to my little sister Karina :)

While at IHOP today, I went to the restroom

As I was taking care of business...

I heard a little conversation in the next stall

A Mom: sings a little tinkle song "Yay!"
 Little Girl : Starts to sing tinkle song
Mommy: "No you don't have to sing for mommy"
Little Girl : "Why not mommy?"
Mommy :" Mommy's been doing this a long time, it's not exciting once you learn"
Little Girl : with a saddened tone "Oh no"

Moral of this story Little children are sneaky, I have a feeling she wants those songs to continue and might purposely not learn potty!

I tried very hard not to laugh

Confession: I like to observe people In their natural habitats

The Anthropologist in me, btw It is my declared Minor, yay for 2nd year status

A funny comic my Cultural Anthropology teacher showed :)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

2 Truths and 1 Lie

Let's Play a game.

I shall tell you two things that are true about me 
and one false thing

guess which one is true, and learn a little bit about me, 

winner gets bragging rights :) 

1. Up until recently I have not wanted kids, but have been taking care of some and deciding i want 3. After 5 years of being married and not until I am 29. 

2. I recently learned what the word Fellatio meant after playing Word Searches on club bing

3. I like collecting stuff with pig on them, actually all farm animals, ie: chickens& cows

Now guess which one is the lie and which is the truth :)*

*This shall also include a silly old picture of me
orange hair, back in the day not good times

me freshman year 2005, I was always odd :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Camp Snoopy!

For my sisters birthday my family went to Dorney Park and took my sisters friend. I ended up getting very car sick, then got a special delivery (girls you get me). Of course my sister wants to go to Wild Water Kingdom first and I being dumb and unprepared and dying of cramps am stuck watching the bags and my little brother roaming in the sprinklers. So I did some people watching in this time of Agony, be being all bitchy when I am certain states was unmerciful when criticizing and getting annoyed. Well in my head, i figured I shouldn't get kicked out, it being in celebration of my sisters birthday, and the fact I would have no way home from "DorneyVille"


-Sign says Dorneyville Pennsylvania, is this for real? hmm is the town named after the park or park named after the town? I wonder

-Little Children with leashes, smart idea, man next to me speaks of having a teddy bear leash, I stare, he elaborates, a leash with a teddy in the front as the harness and tail as the actual leash, (to trick kids into being imprisoned, smart)

-Hippie Organic Green, Weird Parents with pale children, I wanted to feed her some candy and something with gluten, she needs some non-organic heavily processed food, and a burger, I am sorry poor pale flower child

- White Trashy people who dress trashy, and show to much skin and fat, not appropriate. I honestly think anyone can look appropriate and attractive given the right clothes and fits

- Emo Black guy, that is my first sighting, "OMG THEY DO EXIST!" But why is he at a water park? Seriously! Long Black Pants with chains, somber clothes, neon green fishnet backpack (props man)

-Spotted: Sexy buff white man in deadlocks, normally I wouldn't say all those words in a sentence, but He pulled it off. Kudos

-Sexy Girl Tanning :) wait No that's just a poor girl sulking in pain and pissoffdedness in a beach chair, yup ME :(

-Hassidic Jew Camp Girls, jumping in the water rides and pool, in long floor length polyester black skirts black tights and long sleeved collared shirts with camp name on it, Navy,  BLACK AND BLUE SHAME ON YOU!

-SPOTTED: College Sophomore looking much better roaming around Camp Snoopy with a 3 year old brother riding baby rides and having oh so much fun :)  Love that booger! 

Ticket For Dorney Park: $29.99 
Delicious Cheeseburger Fries and Edy's Waffle Cone Ice Cream: $13.50
Tiny Aquafina water bottle to take some Aleve with : $3.50
Running around with my brother and seeing his face light up on rides : Priceless

oh &

Finally feeling up to going on a ride 20 min before close, going on that Log Fume ride and slipping under the seat twice, standing in the splash zone til close: Almost Priceless

Realizing I was wearing a white tank top and am basically exposed! 

EMBARRASSING, actually kinda funny now 

For Everything else there's a Master Card...... wait a second my Chase Card is now a VISA